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Flip pages effect

Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270

How you can achive the fliping pages effect clicking a button to make transition look like flipping through a book .
We have create some eBooks and it will be great if we can apply the page flip effect than using-go to the next-previous page button.
How they do it!
There is any good tutorial to help us?
Thanks and have a great new year

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
If you want the document to be viewed in full screen, but as a courtesy, you want to restore the screen preferences of the user back to the original settings. Place the following script as document JavaScript, it will be executed once and only once upon loading the document.

// Save the settings you plan to change.
var _clickAdvances = app.fs.clickAdvances;
var _defaultTransition = app.fs.defaultTransition;
var _escapeExits = app.fs.escapeExits;

// Change these settings.
app.fs.defaultTransition = "UncoverLeft";
// Now, go into full screen.

To restore the settings, place the following code in the Will Close section of the Document JavaScripts, located at Advanced > Document Processing > Set Document Actions.// Restore the full screen preferences that you changed.
app.fs.clickAdvances = _clickAdvances;
app.fs.defaultTransition = _defaultTransition;
app.fs.escapeExits = _escapeExits;

You can use JavaScript to customize how page transitions occur for any pages within a document. This is accomplished through the Doc object’s setPageTransitions and getPageTransitions methods.

The setPageTransitions method accepts three parameters:

nStart — the zero-based index of the beginning page
nEnd — the zero-based index of the last page
aTrans — a page transition array containing three values:
nDuration — the time a page is displayed before automatically changing
cTransition — the name of the transition to be applied
nTransDuration — the duration in seconds of the transition effect

On the last page you can add a button that will close the eBook.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Jan 18 2008
Posts: 1
thanks a lot
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Just be aware that Acrobat/Reader's full screen does not work within a web browser, so you will not get the page flip affect if your clients are using a web browser.

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25
Do you have an example of how this page flip appearance looks?

i.e a sample file?

I am trying to create a page flip effect similar to what you see on

But I want it to be seen while viewing the document in the desktop browser.

Registered: Aug 17 2010
Posts: 3
As a common user, you can visit They make page flip effect both online and oflline. Also, it's easy to navigate from start to end and vice versa which may satisfy your need.

As a professional developer, you may need some open source for page flip. . It's so complicated 2 me, which made me choose axmag as priority
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25
The key thing I am looking for is the ability to create a Flash Like Flip book with realistic page turns while maintaining all my embedded web streaming videos and audio files.

I went to the site and it says nothing about what happens to your embedded content. Ideally I would like to have it behave like an iPhone/iPad iBook that has realistic page turns and keeps the video and audio intact and interactive. Ideally all HTML5 compliant.

Any ideas?
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
In PDF it can't be done (rather in Acrobat and Reader it can't be done - the PDF specification would in theory accommodate something via the page transitions tag, but nobody has implemented it).

Every application that shows a visual page curl effect does it by displaying the entire document in Flash (they may [u]start[/u] with a PDF and convert it into a series of SWF/JPG files, but it's sure as heck not a PDF when you're viewing it).
Registered: Dec 17 2009
Posts: 25
What about the idea of a PDF to HTML5 compliant conversion page that has page curl effect like apple does on the iPad?

I have an indesign document which I export to PDF then add the interactive components too. I want to distribute this via the web and have it viewable via a browser. The issue is that the current pdf system does not have any realistic page turns so I am trying to find an alternative approach. Whether it be a script that can be added to the pdf or another option. Ideas?