I have an advert produced in InDesign CS. The PDF produced has all the fonts embedded.
This PDF is then ran through Asura, the fonts have had their names changed from Helvetica Neue to HelveticaNeue-Black-OV-PRXWAB and still show as embedded (not subset).
The Document Properties dialog in Acrobat tells me that the font 'HelveticaNeue-Black-OV-PRXWAB' (Type: Type 1, Encoding: Custom) is embedded.
This PDF is then placed inside an InDesign CS document and re-PDF'd first to a postscript file, then distilled (v7.07). Distiller is set to also embed all fonts.
When the final PDF is produced the above font is no longer embedded but is now subset..
Surely all the font info (glyphs) are in the first PDF as Acrobat showed it as Embedded. So therefore how can the final PDF show it as subset.?
Does it have something to do with the font name containing 'OV-PRXWAB'..?
Thanks is advance..
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.