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Global color change in Acrobat?

Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 4

Is it possible to make global color changes to a multi-page PDF using Acrobat? For instance changing all the type in the document that is colored RGB black to 100% Black?

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Accepted Answer
Yes. In Acrobat Pro choose Convert Colors from the Print Production pane or menu (you don't say which version you're using).

To reset a document containing only "rich black" text to K-black, in the dialog, select "text" as the object type, "Convert to Profile", select a suitable K-plate profile (such as "Dot gain 10%") and click OK.

You can construct quite complicated profile rules to protect certain elements while altering others - the Acrobat help file has more info.
Registered: Mar 28 2011
Posts: 4
Thank you! I will test this out but that sounds right. My goal is to eliminate my need for PitStop, I'm hoping that the last few things I use it for can be done in Acrobat.

Thanks again.