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Help! Can I drop objects onto a PDF?

Registered: Mar 31 2009
Posts: 2

I regularly get contracts that are made up of multiple documents. Some of the docs need to be signed and stamped and some just need to be initialed. Others may need to be stamped in one place and initialed in another and others will need a stamp, initial, and signature.

I have created a digital signature but it only let's me sign once in once place. I have tried the watermark tool and it works OK if I separate the document into its component parts but that takes longer than just printing and manually stamping and signing.

Ideally I would like to make the Stamp and initials two separate objects to be dropped on a page and the signature is the only thing that needs to be official. Is there a way to create an object that appears like a stamp would on a document? Is there a way to sign a document in multiple places?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Apr 1 2009
Posts: 3
I too am looking for a way to add a graphic to every page of a PDF; I'm not sure this strictly has to be a Stamp, and I definitely cannot use Preflight or Java scripting.

I thought I had been able to add a graphic to a footer once upon a time, but I seem unable to replicate that fantasy or find any info outside of using a Stamp. Help is also appreciated!
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
That70sHeidi - you can place an image (bitmap, etc.) using the watermark command, which will drop one onto every page (in the same place) - assuming you've for Acro Pro, if you then want to move a couple of them about, use the Object Touchup tool to select and move/drag/delete/resize each instance as required. The only problem with the watermark panel is it's a bit tedious to get the position right visually, as you have to walk the graphic about with the measurement fields.
Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 26
You may want to checkout our StampPDF Batch server product for stamoing data into PDF forms:

Appligent Document Solutions