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Help needed with Bookmark Font

Registered: Nov 1 2011
Posts: 2

Our corporate standard is for Heading Ones to be in all-caps. We type in the heading in Sentence Case, but stipulate in the Heading One STYLE that the heading displays as all-caps. The TOC One Style (that corresponds with Heading One)in the Word doc IS NOT in ALL caps, and shows up in sentence case, just as we want it.
PDF Heading One BOOKMARKS however (in the Bookmark pane) are showing up in all-caps,and we don't want that -- we want the PDF bookmarks to show up in sentence case. So it seems that Acrobat is using the font from the Heading style in Word rather than the TOC style in Word.(?)
Where/how do I stipulate that the bookmark style for this heading use the TOC style (sentence case) rather than the heading style (all caps)? I've tried many things...
Many thanks in advance,

Colleen O'Rork

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
If you can't solve this in Word, you might want to consider this script (created by me), which can edit all the names of the bookmarks of a file with a single click:

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
So it seems that Acrobat is using the font from the Heading style in Word rather than the TOC style in Word.(?)

Yes, that is the case.
Select Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings
From the ribbon Acrobat > Preferences
In the dialog that appears select the Bookmarks tab. You'll observe that Word's built-in Headings are selected as the default for creation of Bookmarks to Headings in the document (once the content is processed out to PDF). Whatever configuration has been made for the Word Heading is what you get in the output PDF's Bookmarks. PDFMaker is just doing what you said the Heading(s) are supposed to be.
You'll observe similar attempts at maintaining fidelity should you use MS's Save As > PDF or XPS.
When Word generates a TOC it applies TOC Heading and the TOCs (1-9 as applicable). TOC Heading is (in PDFMaker's Bookmark tab) selected by default for providing a PDF Bookmark. Scroll to the bottom of the list of elements displayed in the Bookmark tab of the Acrobat PDFMaker tab.
In short —
PDFMaker takes what the content author dictated and puts it into PDF in a manner that maintains fidelity to the source authoring file.
The PDF page content that contains the text strings designated as a Heading (of whatever level) will reflect what was mastered in the authoring file. Thus, fidelity to the "corporate standard" applied to the MS Word Headings is maintained.
Worth noting is that a PDF Bookmark *is not* a page content "Heading" nor is it in any manner part of PDF page content (see ISO 32000-1). Consequently, there is, in fact, no real compromise to the corporate standard.
Particular as the standard you describe has no bearing on PDF Bookmarks. If it is desired to do so it might be prudent to do so in context of the ISO Standard.

Be well...