Our corporate standard is for Heading Ones to be in all-caps. We type in the heading in Sentence Case, but stipulate in the Heading One STYLE that the heading displays as all-caps. The TOC One Style (that corresponds with Heading One)in the Word doc IS NOT in ALL caps, and shows up in sentence case, just as we want it.
PDF Heading One BOOKMARKS however (in the Bookmark pane) are showing up in all-caps,and we don't want that -- we want the PDF bookmarks to show up in sentence case. So it seems that Acrobat is using the font from the Heading style in Word rather than the TOC style in Word.(?)
Where/how do I stipulate that the bookmark style for this heading use the TOC style (sentence case) rather than the heading style (all caps)? I've tried many things...
Many thanks in advance,
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