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How can I squeeze one third filled pages onto less pages to save paper

Registered: Sep 16 2009
Posts: 3

I am very new to Acrobat and no longer young and digitally quick.

Problem: PDF of a mobile telephone manual with little pages amounting to 120 A4 pages with two thirds of each blank. In other words, it is a PDF of a mobile phone sized, mobile phone manual. Being committed to sustainable living/working, there is no way I am going to print out 120 pages as they are.

I have gone through the HELP but can find nothing that seems to show how to merge pages in order to fit 3 originals on one A4. It's quite likely that I don't know the right terms to look for.

Help would be greatly appreciated as I will certainly need to know this for a future project.

PS I only just registered, despite what it says there to the left!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Macintosh
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
The posibility of printing "several pages per sheet" depends on the printer driver you use.
Not all printer drivers are able to handle this.

But, you can try to print your file to the adobe printer first, to create a new file.
Under "properties" there is an option named "pages per sheet" where you can select between 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 or 16 pages.
Because I don't have a Mac I don't know exactly where the option is hidden in the printing dialog.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 16 2009
Posts: 3
Thank you Radzmar for pointing me on the right track!

The Acrobat printing menu has an option 'Printing tips' which immediately supplied the correct term:

"Print multiple pages per sheet

It is sometimes convenient to print more than one page of your PDF file onto a single sheet of paper, much like the multiple slide feature available in applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

To print multiple pages:

Choose File > Print.
Select Multiple Pages Per Sheet from the Page Scaling menu.
Select your desired options from the Pages Per Sheet and Page Order menus.
Click OK or Print."

Unfortunately, the Page Order menu does not allow pages placed directly underneath each other on a sheet but always next to each other and then down. The best it can do 2 pages next to each other in 2 rows on the sheet horizontally. It's not exactly what I envisaged (4 pages vertically on one sheet) but it gets the job done.

Thanks again and best wishes!
