Hi all,
first - i am new on this forum and don´t know the best place for my question. Maybe here...
My Szenario:
I like to have a Szenario in presentation like M$-PPT.
1. Fullscreen at Beamer
2. Hints for Instructor at Monitor
3. "." (dot at keyboard) switch the monitor to black and back
I search long time but found no hints to this.
a) Odd Pages with Content and even Pages with Hints for odd Pages
=> - i have to have 2 Pages of the same PDF at different Monitors
- "next Page" should skip one page
Is this possible?
b) one PDF with Content, one PDF with hints (maybe portfolio?)
=> - one PDF in fullscreen on the Beamer
- i have to sync the PDF with the hints (how to do this?)
Any other hints?
The black screen with ".": could this be done by a black page at first. By pressing "." a javascript remember the actual pagenumer and jumps zu page 1. By pressing "." again a javascript jumps to the rememberd page.
Any Codeexample for something like this?