Each time I open a pdf document in acrobat 9.1 I have to customize the toolbar
to add the options that I like.
I couldn't find anything under Edit Preferences, or by right clicking in the toolbar.
Each time I open a pdf document in acrobat 9.1 I have to customize the toolbar
to add the options that I like.
I couldn't find anything under Edit Preferences, or by right clicking in the toolbar.
Adobe changed Acrobat from MDI (multiple document interface) to SDI (single document interface) in Acrobat 8. This is explained here- http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/single_doc_interface.pdf
So when you have a PDF open in Acrobat and you set up your workspace, those settings are for the PDF that is open at that time.
Try this- open Acrobat and with no PDF file open set up the toolbars the way you want, then close and reopen Acrobat. They should stick. However, the setup for all the other PDFs opened in the past will be the way you set them up while they were open.
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions