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How to Make Word Index Active in PDF?

Registered: Jul 17 2007
Posts: 5

I am combining multiple document Word indexes into a single PDF file. The index does not work in PDF, i.e., when you select an entry in the index, you are not taken to the place in the PDF file where the index entery is located.

Can anyone tell me how to do this, or direct me to a source?

Thank you.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
These solutions are being offered as an alternative. The best and easiest way to do this is combining the PDFs into one package and set the bookmarks. In Acrobat, click Help, Getting started with Acrobat and read the instructions on combining files.

Alternate solutions:

(1.) To create a new bookmark, invoke the Bookmark object createChild method, to which you may submit the following parameters: cName (the name to appear in the navigational panel), cExpr (an optional JavaScript to be executed when the bookmark is clicked), and nIndex (an optional zero-based index into the children array).
NOTE:Bookmarks cannot be created or removed in Acrobat Reader.

(2.)Create a new bookmark
Creates a new child bookmark at the specified location.

Begin by accessing the bookmarkRoot, which is a property of the current document representing the top node in the bookmark tree, and then creating a child bookmark that displays a greeting when clicked:

var myRoot = this.bookmarkRoot;
myRoot.createChild("myBookmark", "app.alert('

(3.) Add a child bookmark
Inserts a bookmark as a child of the bookmark in the previous sample..

The bookmark generated in this example will be named “myBookmarkChild,” and the associated action is to display the message “Hello child.”

var current = myRoot.children[0];
"app.alert('Hello child!');");

(4.) Remove a bookmark
Removes a bookmark and all children bookmarks from the bookmark tree.


You can remove a specific bookmark, or the above command will remove all bookmarks in the tree.

Also consider a menu. Read Thom Parkers article titled - "Popup menus for Acrobat (A great user-interface item)"

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