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How to prevent copy graphic?

Registered: Jan 6 2010
Posts: 2

How do you prevent a graphic from being copied, in a PDF document?

Our non-profit made a letter, in Word, then converted it to a PDF document. In the Word document, we inserted the signature of the Executive Director. This was done the old-fashioned way: someone scanned in her signatue and made it into a .JPG. We inserted the JPG graphic into the word document, so the document can be emailed.

That all works. The problem is that if you right click on the JPG signature, Adobe Reader allows you to "Copy image." This would permit an unauthorized person to do a bogus letter with a real (jpg) signature.

How do you prevent this jpg graphic from being "copied" from a PDF document?


My Product Information:
Reader 9.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi Bill,

Give Password security a try.
Look over Acrobat Help for a discussion on the options.
Using password security can keep most folks from extracting PDF page content.
With that said, do note that it is possible to break password security if one really wants to.

While it may not be a "happy face" activity, your best bet may be to redo the logo in the Word file.
Then output a PDF to distribute that does not contain an image of a signature.

Another option might be to try use of Pro's redaction tool. Redact the signature portion of the logo image. End result may not be particularly "pretty" though.

Look over this post:
Using password security, with Acrobat 9 may be what you want to use.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
You can't effectively do it. Someone can always make a screenshot and save the graphic.

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