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How to re-arrange the page order of a PDF in Acrobat 7 Pro?

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 4

Just registered and hope you guys can help me with some simple questions, which are quite difficult to me.

1) I want to change the order of the pages in a PDF file. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks!

2) I find that editing text in PDF is so difficult. Sometimes one text box combines with another text box and a lot of weird things happened. When I deleted some thing in a text box, for no reason, the text in other text box was gone.
I am just wondering if there is any easy to fix the size, format of one text box so any editing in that box won't affect other box in the same file? Seems I am the one person suing PDF for editing in the office so no one can help me with this. Can anyone help here? Appreicate your help in advance.

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Acrobat Standard 7.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

To rearrange a PDF file's page order locate the "page" icon on the navigation pane at the left. Select it. You will observe "page" thumbnails. Select the page(s) to be moved. Click - drag - drop into the new location. Save/Save As. Done.

Regarding text edits of PDFs. While many things can be done with Acrobat to post-process a PDF the bottom line is that PDF is *not* a file format created for text editing/word processing.

Just like an apple pie. You gotta select (edit) your apples before you bake the pie. Once the pie is baked the apples you picked are the apples you've got. You can add (edit) ice cream and that's nice . So, the Cortlands have to go in before, not after.The quick and clean way to have any PDF as a smooth finished product is to resolve issues in the source file with the authoring application.

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Be well...

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
1. Select "View > Navigation Tabs > Pages", and the Pages navigation window will open, usually on the left side of the document. You can then click & drag pages to reorder them.2. Acrobat is not really designed to be a PDF editor. The TouchUp Text tool is meant for minor changes, not significant ones. To make significant changes, you should go back to the source document, make the changes, and create a new PDF.

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 4
Thanks a lot, daka630 & George, I tried to rearrange the page order and it works.
For editing, understand Acrobat is not designed to be a PDF editer. We have an internal program to pull all info from SAP and then get a PDF report. It saves me a lot of time to find info from different places in SAP. But it turns out if the info in SAP is not complet or accurate, I have to do a lot of editing in the PDF report. I think I need to re-look into this and see if it's worth using the PDF report. Maybe it's better to do an excel report even I have to spend more time to create it.

Thanks for your help.
Registered: Jul 30 2009
Posts: 9
I have a large (10,000 page) document that is a combination of 663 smaller files. Each of these smaller files needs to be reorganized. I've extracted each file and now need to move the pages around within each. No problem dragging and dropping the smaller (>20 pages) files, but when I hit a file with more pages than that, I have trouble. The files contain financial statements that need to be organized by date. The print is only readable in a full page mode - it's impossible to read as a thumb-nail in the page navigation screen. I've tried opening Acrobat on dual monitors, but the program will only open once (unlike Microsoft programs). Does anybody have any ideas on how to accomplish this re-arranging task? Thanks!!!
Registered: Jul 30 2009
Posts: 9
Alternately, I would also consider purchasing a plug-in program to supplement AA Pro 9 in order to accomplish the task.
nastytoe (not verified)
Yeah, I agree it really is a pain in the but to edit PDFs these days. I usually just create a word document and convert it to PDF.
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
HLillywhite wrote:
I have a large (10,000 page) document that is a combination of 663 smaller files. Each of these smaller files needs to be reorganized. I've extracted each file and now need to move the pages around within each. No problem dragging and dropping the smaller (>20 pages) files, but when I hit a file with more pages than that, I have trouble. The files contain financial statements that need to be organized by date. The print is only readable in a full page mode - it's impossible to read as a thumb-nail in the page navigation screen. I've tried opening Acrobat on dual monitors, but the program will only open once (unlike Microsoft programs). Does anybody have any ideas on how to accomplish this re-arranging task? Thanks!!!
There are a number of possible issues encompassed by what you describe, which can't be adequately answered within a few lines on this forum. You want to organize the mass of documents in multiple smaller PDFs and, I infer, to make the set interactive (bookmarks and hyperlinks) and readily accessible to a reader. I am expert at doing this kind of large scale work. I'd be glad to discuss your issues and to offer solutions. I suspect that, at some point, you may want to give thought to hiring someone with my kind of expertise. If you'd like to talk with me, without obligation, just send an email via the forum and I'll respond with my telephone number.
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
nastytoe wrote:
Yeah, I agree it really is a pain in the but to edit PDFs these days. I usually just create a word document and convert it to PDF.
That's the way you should do it anyway.

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Registered: Aug 4 2009
Posts: 1
I'm not sure with rearranging 10,000 pages of pdf, but I normally follow this process for a small number of file rearranging:

With regard to editing, the TouchUp Text tool is only to tweak minor details and not to create major changes in your file. I agree that creating a new file is the answer to your problem. Hope this helps :)

Good luck.

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