I have a scanned PDF of an article where two magazine pages were scanned into each PDF page as the magazine was placed on the scanner and two following pages were scanend at one go.
Is there a way to split this so that every page will have a separate page on the PDF?
Thanks :)
if you have Adobe Photoshop - some other apoplication - save the PDF as a TIFF, crop into images - then in Acrobatr - open (File > Create PDF > Create PDF from File)hope this helps
Michael Jahn
Application Support Specialist
Compose Systems Inc, USA.
4740 Northgate Blvd. Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 920-3838 ext 102
Fax: (916) 923-6776
Email: michaelejahn [at] composeusa [dot] com
Web: www.composeusa.com