Hello, I seem to be having trouble with hyperlinks not converting properly. When I open a PDF document in my Internet Explorer the hyperlinks work fine, however when I save the document to my system and try the same hyperlink it doesn’t work. When I try and open a link from the saved document I get a pop up that ask me if I want to allow this document to have access to the Internet to open the HTTP, I say “allow” and it opens “My Computer” and not the HTTP address that it should. I have examined the links in both documents and I have noticed that the links in the one that I open in Internet Explorer is an HTTP address and the one that is saved to my system is a file://. I have just updated my Adobe Reader to 8.1, before this update everything was working fine. I guess what I am trying to figure out is how to fix the problem so that I have all of the benefits of Reader 8.1 and I will also be able to have my hyperlinks work. I am hopping that this is just an add-in or a plug-in that is causing this problem that I will be able to remove. Any help would be great.
Do you have multiple version of Reader or Acrobat installed on your machine? For example, Reader 7 and Reader 8. This can interfere with browser behavior. Check out our interoperabilty guide for more details:
[url=http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=333223&sliceId=2]http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=333223&sliceId=2[/url]If this is not the issue, then let us know what OS and version of Internet Explorer you're using.
Keep us posted,
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for AcrobatUsers.com.