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Hyperlink issues with Adobe

Registered: Oct 7 2009
Posts: 3

Hello all....

I am beating my head against the wall trying to fix this! Please help....

I am running Word 2003 and converting the file to Adobe 8. In this file are hyperlinks, that point to a file on a specific server . The path is ../../../../../../ (../ x6) blah.blah.blah, but when I go to the adobe file and open the link information it only shows ../x5. (It is dropping one of the ./)

I know this path works because I have used it many times. Things I have looked into:

Tracked Changes is OFF
Shows FINAL in version
Update Adobe
Made sure no spaces are located in the path (Copied and Pastes link from another successful file)

I dont know what else to do, can someone please help me.

P.S. I am not very computer literate when it comes to describing things, so I hope I was clear.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
G'day TricialH01,

Just some nattering by me but, I suspect the character length of the link is too long.
Rambled through a hodge-podge of Adobe's Acrobat documentation & I got the feeling that, perhaps, you may need to be at or below 255 characters in length.Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Oct 7 2009
Posts: 3
THank you for your response, but on some files, (with the exact link path) everything is great.

Therefore I dont think that could be the issue... and the path is only 40 characters long
Registered: Oct 12 2009
Posts: 2
I have same problem. Please help.