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Import form field layout from one form to another ?

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 19

I often create forms in both English and French. Many are long and complicated and I have to create them all individually. Is there any way I could use the form field layout from one form, for another form? That would be fantastic.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Accepted Answer

1- you can copy-paste all forms from one doc to another

2- you can "Replace page", this will replace the graphic layout but form fields will stays as is.

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 19
Excellent, thanks Merlin. In option 2 you could move the fields around as required. The copy-paste method will work well for me because sometimes the translated documents are longer so the pages aren't identical. Anyway, this will really help.