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Importing a Mocrosoft Publisher 2007 document to Adobe CS4

Registered: Feb 27 2009
Posts: 2

I created a 90 page report template in Microsoft Publisher 2007, comprising text, tables and drawings, with a view to enabling me to generate fast turn-around time technical reports. Microsoft Publisher 2007 wouldn't cause tables and drawings to flow between pages when I edited my text, so I got Adobe CS4 today, and ideally want to import my existing Microsoft Publisher document directly into CS4, but I can't seem to do it. It appears that it will only import "XML" type files. Any suggestions please ?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 6.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Just an observation.

"Directly importing" content from an authoring application into PDF is, per se, not how a PDF gets made.

In Publisher, use the PDFMaker to publish an output PDF.

It is worth noting that the PDFMaker for MS Word is rather more robust than that for MS Publisher.
fwiw - likely not in the cards, but I suspect use of FrameMaker as the authoring application would provide a more satisfactory outcome.
The FrameMaker - Distiller - Acrobat integration is rather impressive. With tables, FM is particulary *wonky* .Be well...

Be well...