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increase scale of line styles

Registered: Aug 27 2010
Posts: 2

Hello All,

Unable to find existing post on this issue. In using the line tool, is there a way to increase the scale (or ratio) of a line style? No matter how far I am zoomed in or out of my doc the dash line line style remains "squished" (dashes and spaces are very short and close together). Is there a way to increase the scale as to make the dashes longer.

What I get is this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What I NEED is this _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______


Registered: Aug 13 2010
Posts: 20
You have not missed anything; it is not possible to create a custom line style in Acrobat. When you right click on your line and select Properties, you get a limited assortment of possible styles. You can change the line thickness but only within the limited styles.

Depending on what you are doing, there may be some workarounds that you could try. For example, you can use the Text Box tool to draw out a box where you want the line. Enter the line the way you want it to look. Then right click on the Text Box to call up Properties. Select No Border and No Fill Color.
Registered: Aug 27 2010
Posts: 2
Thanks AnnaLu.

Like you said, its definitely a workaround, BUT it DOES get me close the desired effect.

In the text box I can change the font style and size to create a variety of "linetypes". Appreciate your time and response.