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Insert page from Doc 1 after every page in Doc 2

Registered: Sep 29 2009
Posts: 2

I have one PDF with 1 page (Doc 1) and another PDF with 200 pages (Doc 2). I want to insert the single page from Doc 1 after every page in Doc 2.

Why? So that I can print 2-sided pages that have a different front but a common back. (I know that I can print all the backs and then reload the copier and print the fronts, but the copy quality is much better when run in true 2-sided mode)

Thanks for any help!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Macintosh
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
this will get you started: Step 1: for doc1 create as many copies as needed: starting with one doc1 file, do a copy paste to same folder. now you have two files. do a copy/paste on the two; now you have four. and so on until you have created as many copies as needed; in eight copy/paste steps you have 256 copies of doc1, all but one named "copy ..."; Step 2: extract (document menu) all the pages of doc2 as separate files; you get 200 files named "doc2 1", "doc2 2" ... "doc2 200". Step 3: start a create PDF from multiple files (file menu > combine); drag/drop all the files created in the two preceding steps to the combine files window; collate (move up; move down) as needed. create pdf. done
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
This can also be achieved with JavaScript.

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