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Isn't there any FONT ENCODING setting in Acrobat Professional 8?

Registered: Apr 22 2009
Posts: 6

Although I tried all pull down menus of the software, preferences , etc and I googled a lot it is a very big mystery for me how we are determining a font's engosing setting???

In blank document or in TouchUp'ing a ready document I couldn't find any way to change the font's encoding. I can change the font selection itself, I can change the font color or font size but where is the setting for font encoding??

When I look to File/Document/Font section of the program, in some documents I see "Ansi" in some "Custom" or "Roman" ..etc in the encoding part of the fonts.

But who determines this selection. Isn't there any where to determine or to control this selection in Acrobat Pro 8?

Registered: Apr 22 2009
Posts: 6
no one knows? if there is no control like that please inform me by saying "no". it will help also
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Bon dia,

It may be helpful to read the 'font' related information in the Acrobat Help file
and in the PDF Reference or ISO 32000-1:2008.
These provide a good introduction and greater detail respectively.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
damlays wrote:
But who determines this selection. Isn't there any where to determine or to control this selection in Acrobat Pro 8?
In short, Acrobat does - based on the encoding used in the original font file; and you can't take control of it yourself on a per-font basis.
Registered: Apr 22 2009
Posts: 6
UVSAR wrote:
In short, Acrobat does - based on the encoding used in the original font file; and you can't take control of it yourself on a per-font basis. this means I am not able to determine my own writing's language.."international encoding" selection is out of order -for users- in this program..program will always force me to use the encoding that it wants.. how bad it is:(