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Issues using Reader 7

Registered: Aug 16 2010
Posts: 28

I've created an acroform with Acrobat 9 Pro. It's an order form used by two groups with Reader 7. The first completes the form and submits to the second team. The second then needs to open the form complete it and send back.

However when the second team opens the form a message indicating the form has changed and to contact the author for the form. All functionality is disabled.

I've done this with a different form and the users both with Reader 7 where able to open, update and resend.

The only differcne is a data picker widget that I downloaded and added to the form.

Any ideas on how to make the form updatable for those with Reader 7?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Are the folks using Reader 7 using at least 7.0.5? How did you create the form? In Acrobat or LiveCycle?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Aug 16 2010
Posts: 28
No its 7.0. I've tested with Reader 10 and it works fine.