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Layer for all pages

Registered: Dec 1 2009
Posts: 5

I have a single page PDF file that I would like to use as the background layer for a multi-page PDF.

I have tried several things, all dealing with layer menu. First I tried starting with the single page and inserting the multi-page file... didn't work.

Then I tried starting with the multi and inserting the single... that didn't work.

Then I duplicated the single page to the exact number of pages that the other file was, and tried using both files as the starting file... that didn't work.

The text is actually medical billing information printed from my practice management software which is formatted exactly correctly. The single page is a scan of the claim form it needs to appear on. All boxes, text, check marks, etc. line up correctly, so when I do the layers, it works very well... but it is unrealistic for me to insert a layer for every claim form... would take forever.


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
An observation.

Acrobat Help wrote:
About PDF layers
Acrobat supports viewing, navigating, and printing layered content in PDFs created from applications such as InDesign, AutoCAD, and Visio.
Have you tried adding Background?
Document > Background > Add/ReplaceJust a natter, but -
As it seems you are basically wanting data from a source to be parked into what is effectively a PDF form you may want to consider use of Acrobat Forms or LifeCycle Designer.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Dec 1 2009
Posts: 5
The background idea worked great. I feel stupid I didn't see it as an option.

I'm not creating it as a form since the idea is to create the PDF then fax the claims right from the computer, so it would be extra work to make it a form, as my software already prints out the info in the correct area on the page and it doesn't need to be editable.

Thanks for the answer!