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Registered: Mar 21 2009
Posts: 6

Hello all,

I used PDF annotator to make some notes on a PDF. The notes are in their own layer on the PDF. I was wondering if there is any way to print JUST my layer of notes, and not the main layer.

When I go into Acrobat 7, I can only select my layer of notes, but there is nothing I can do to hide the main layer.

Again, is there any way to get rid of the main layer so that I can just print my layer of notes?

Thanks a bunch.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Not without editing - printout visibility can only be toggled for OCGs (true 'layers') - the base document will always print. You could open the PDF inside Illustrator and hide the bottom layer if you have that installed.

There's a hack if you really need to hide the base document from within Acrobat - create a new PDF the same size as your document and draw a full-page white-filled rectangle on it. Save the file, and import it into your annotated PDF as a new layer at the bottom of the stack. It'll mask out the base document but not the annotations.
Registered: Mar 21 2009
Posts: 6
The Illustrator idea sounds like a good one. But is there any way I can do such a thing with other software? Thanks!

Also, can Acrobat 7 import new layers, or is this only a feature of Acrobat 9?