I am trying to create a link from a website to a named destination within a pdf.
The named destinations are a heirarchy of bookmarks.
My link simplified is like http://servername/bookmarked.pdf#nameddest=bookmark
I have also tried http://servername/bookmarked.pdf#page=7
I have encountered inconsistent results. On most occassions it opens the pdf at the first page or the page I last had the window open to. Then at other times it will open to a page number but then won't open the next page number I replace in the url.
I am going round in circles, please help.
Your "Destinations" are from the Destinations Panel, yes?
The character strings present in the Bookmarks panel are not "destinations".
Something else to play with. Uncheck "Restore last view settings when reopening documents"
which is found in the "Documents" category of the Preferences.
Something to consider when using PDF open parameters.
The browser, after being given the location of the link's target file, opens the file.
Another open parameters URL to the opened PDF is not going to do what you believe is ok.
After all, the file is already "open".
Be well...
Be well...