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Linking to specific PDF pages locally

Registered: Oct 11 2007
Posts: 6

I am creating a CD with an HTML page describing specific chapters. At the end of each description I am attempting to link to the specific PDF page, contained on the same CD, that the chapter starts on.

The PDF was created with Adobe 8 and I am creating the HTML page with Dreamweaver 8.

I've set up the linking structure as follows:

But, when the PDF opens, it brings me to page 1 of the PDF document. How do I get it to open to page 3?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
I am familiar with the use of the "#page=3" parameter but I do not see any reference to the "target=_top" in the "PDF Open Parameters" reference.

By default, using the "page" open parameter will open the specific page. If you want to open to specific destination within the PDF, you will have to create that destination and use the "nameddest=name" open parameter.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 11 2007
Posts: 6
The problem is that even without the target="_top" (which forces the new window to open on top of all others), the #page=3 doesn't open page 3. It opens the first page of the document.

Thanks for you help though!
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
There is a bug associated with the PDF Open Parameters in IE for Acrobat/Reader 7.0.7 but this was fixed in 7.0.8. This works fine in FireFox. So you'll probably want to stick with named destinations. There is a tutorial from Lori Defurio on this at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 11 2007
Posts: 6
Named destinations didn't work either. It only opens the PDF to the cover page, and not to any of the designated destinations I set up for the links.

The above link should open page 154 according to the link I've set up, and it only opens the cover page.
Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 7
Try this, as long as the pdf is in the same folder as the html page:

Recommended Low Resolution DocumentIf not you'll have to use the absolute path.