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Links opening in Separate Windows

Registered: Apr 9 2007
Posts: 4

I have a client that is opening several .pdf files via bookmarks, each opens in a new window, rather than one window, with the ability to "go to". Then my client has to close each window seperately and finds this inconvenient. Any suggestions? Thanks

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Where a document opens is a function of how the link is set up and how the user has set the Acrobat Preferences. If you're making the links then you can set them to open in the same window. If not, then the user has to set cross-links to open in the same window. If you are talking about docs shown in a browser window it can get more complicated. Do some searching on the forums. This is a popular topic.

If you're building these files in Acrobat 8 there is a new option. PDF Packages, Place all the files in a package and bookmark links are no longer necessary. The document open and close quickly in the same window.

Thom Parker
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