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Loading complex PDF

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 8

Hi All,

I recieved a PDF file of 5MB. When I load it there appears to be several layer that load on after teh other until the whole image is rendered. Does this indicate that I can view each layer that is loaded individually?

I checked the layer sidebar and it is empty. So I'm not sure if I can view them or not.


P.S. I'm using the terms layers only because I'm not sure of what else to call them.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
H cidhlid,
Perhaps the PDF is a scanned image.
Then again, maybe not
Some PDFs I work with are detailed engineering drawings that are scanned images of the
drawing. As the file is updated portions become vector.
Regardless, on load the image is rendered incrementally in several "passes"; which could be
thought of as "layers".

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 8
Interesting. And you nailed it to, it is a technical drawing.
It is curious how you can see that parts are overlayed. Should it not be possible to see each individually?

Oh well.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
While CAD files typically have layers and, for many, output layered PDF ; if the output to PDF
process flattened the layers then there'd be no "individual" layers in the PDF.
Could be that you're viewing a flattened output.

Be well...

Be well...