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Loading pdf pages in IFrame

Registered: Aug 1 2007
Posts: 4

I have a number of fairly large pdf documents (80 - 100 pages) and would like to be able to navigate to specific sections from a contents menu, the contents being displayed in an Ifame on the same page. I can create the menu and make the link with "url/myfile.pdf#PageNo" target="IFrame" but only the first menu selection goes to the page, subsequent clicks on the contents links fail to update Reader in the IFrame. There has got to be a way to do this, hasn't there? I must be missing something really simple.
Any help gratefully received.


Registered: Jan 14 2008
Posts: 3
I am having the same problem - does anyone have a solution for this?
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Perhaps Joel Geraci's suggestion for using the HTML Embed tag would be helpful for your applications:

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