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Merging an image and an text-PDF per page into one PDF

Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 8


I've got two 375 pages PDF-documents - one with all text, one with all images.

Now I want to merge both into one PDF file: The image-PDF should provide the backgrounds for the text-PDF so page 1 of the image-PDF will be the background of page 1 of the text-PDF, page 2 of the image-PDF will be the background of page 2 of the text-PDF and so on.

If I'm using the Documment.Background.Add, Acrobat is placiing page 1 of the image-PDF to ALL pages of the text-PDF...

Has anyone an idea how to achieve this other than clicking every page single???

Thanks a lot for any advice!!!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.2, Macintosh
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Something that may help.

With the "Add Background" dialog open, look to the upper right for the "Page Range Options..." link.
The Page Range Options dialog permits selection of:
--| All Pages (the default)
--| Pages from : --- to ---
--| Subset:
All pages in range
Even pages only
Odd pages only

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 8

yes I've seen that and played around with it.

But this option seems to define only the selection of which pages will [b]get[/b] the background. And all of those pages will be provided with the one [b]same[/b] background, since I only have the chance to select one page as the background provider in the source section of the "Add Background" dialog :(

Isn't there a way to simply copy layers from one PDF file to another??? Then I simply would copy the text layer containing all 375 pages of text to the image PDF...

Thanks again,