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Merging layers in a multipage doc

Registered: Jul 31 2008
Posts: 4

Each page in the document (118 total) has multiple layers with the same layer names reoccuring on each page.

Is it possible to merge all layers with the same names without selecting each one individually in the merge layers window?

Alternately, is there a global command for turning layers on and off in a multipage doc?

This is a GIS-generated map book created in ERSI's ArcMap. Perhaps there is a way to set up the export to do this?

Thanks for any advice!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 232
This would really depend on if the developer actually followed the Technocal notes in auch a way that Either Adobe could recognizes the layers and if some third party layer viewing plug-in could parce them, like this Plug-in does;

If you sent me a PDF with layers, I would be happy to test.

If you had Adobe InDesign or Adobe Illusrator, you could test to see yourself if the developer followed the rules...

Michael Jahn
Application Support Specialist
Compose Systems Inc, USA.
4740 Northgate Blvd. Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 920-3838 ext 102
Fax: (916) 923-6776
Email: michaelejahn [at] composeusa [dot] com

Registered: Jul 31 2008
Posts: 4
Whoops, I typoed the the name of the developer - ESRI- ArcGIS. They have been working extensively with Adobe to develop a more accessable format for GIS maps via PDF. It is incredible what has been accomplished already, so it would seem as though the layer parcing issue would have a solution. But I haven't been able to find anything in the documentation for either ESRI or Adobe.

I'll send you a condensed version of the document for you to test, please let me know the best way to send to you.

I do have InDesign, but not sure how to test..

Thanks for your response...this would be very cool to figure out - would save a lot of time and would sure help folks out who work with maps and map books.
