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Move objects into an existing layer

Registered: Jun 5 2007
Posts: 9

Hi everybody:

I've created a multiple layered pdf document from Illustrator CS2, i'm opening it with Adobe Acrobat 7 Pro, my question is: is there a way to insert an image, for example from the clipboard into the pdf and then move this image to an existing layer?, i'd really appreciate your valuable help. thanks.

Registered: Jun 5 2007
Posts: 9
Let me state it in other words, is it possible to move objects between layers with Acrobat 7 Pro and no plug in or at least send to back or front?, i found a plug-in for Acrobat 5 called stratify PDF that is no longer available by itself, but it has been merged in to ARTS PDF Aerialist Pro, thanks in advance for your kind feedbacks.