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Moving and resizing text

Registered: Dec 8 2010
Posts: 4

How do I move and/or resize a text box? Editing the text itself is no problem but I can't do anything at all with the text box itself because it appears to be "locked"; i.e., there are no selection handles on the bounding box. I have tried everything in every combination I can think of to solve the problem - all to no avail. The solution, I am sure, is a simple one but it certainly isn't obvious.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.4, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It's possible that the text box is locked. Try right-clicking on the box, select Properties from the context-sensitive menu, and check to see if it's locked in the lower left corner of the Properties dialog.

Are you using the Select text tool to select the text box? Do you have multiple PDFs open when doing this?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 8 2010
Posts: 4
The only way I can select the text box is with the TouchUp Text Tool, and the only Properties I can access by right-clicking on the box are for the text (regardless of whether or not the text itself is selected). This one-page dialog has no lock/unlock option.

Am I looking in the wrong place or is there some sort of fundamental setting that is incorrect?

The PDF I'm working on is the only one that's open when I do all this.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
The Text Box annotation may have been flattened prior to coming to you.
Use Select All (Ctrl+A or Command+A) to select PDF page content.
If the text in the text box is highlighted then the the annotation has been flattened into the page content.
If that is the case there no longer is a text box annotation present; so, nothing to resize.
n.b., if the annotation was initially placed with a border color that will be seen but, again, once the annotation is flattened there no longer is a "text box".

Be well...

Registered: Dec 8 2010
Posts: 4
OK, I selected the text box,then clicked on Select All in the Edit menu and the text was highlighted, which I assume means the annotation has been flattened. My next question then, is how do I unflatten it? The offending text box was added to a PDF that I created myself from a TIFF image, so at what point would the annotation have been flattened into the page?

I have successfully added and moved text boxes in similar images using Acrobat 7 but I can't figure out what has changed since upgrading to 9.4.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
I'm not aware of an "unflatten" facility associated with Acrobat.
Once an annotation has been flattened (via Optimizer, a Preflight Fixup, or "refry" by printing the PDF via the Adobe Printer) the text is part of the painted PDF content.

("Painted" - see Duff Johnson's AUC blog article also, follow the "Technical Annex" link in the article which could be must useful for understanding.)Acrobat JavaScript may/may not open some avenues but that's something you'd need to ask of the serious Acrobat JS users in the AUC JavaScript forum.

If you've still got the TIFF I'd suggest creating a new PDF.

Be well...