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Need to rotate PDF without download/install

Registered: May 14 2010
Posts: 2

Hi all,

I scanned a document the wrong way and the resulting PDF is now upside down. I'd like to use a soft to rotate it permanently, but I don't have Acrobat on my workstation and I can't install anything (no access right..).

What can I do?

Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
if it's a single page and you have any flavor of photoshop, open the file in photoshop and rotate it and save as PDF

if it's a multi-page document and you have MS Office Document Imaging (comes bundled with MS Offie 2003+ in the 'office tools' collection), import it to MODI (set preference to TIFF). rotate pages and save as TIFF.
Registered: May 16 2010
Posts: 4
You can also use ( It's online and free.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Here is a free online PDF editor :

Registered: Oct 28 2011
Posts: 1

Just go to to rotate a pdf online. Its just one simple and easy page, nothing to download or install. and if you need to merge some pdf files, check out
They did the trick just fine for me in seconds.