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!!! Nerd alert !!! HELP: Cropping double pages with Acro Pro 7.0

Registered: May 22 2007
Posts: 2

Hello there!

I'm facing a big issue. Yep. I have to crop like a hundred pages of a document scanned in double pages (am I clear? A book scanned with a gutter in the middle).

If I use the simple crop function, half of the page will disappear :( . Is there a way to define a [b]double area[/b] crop function in order to split my page in two?

Thank you so much for reading this post, and if you have an idea, for answering it!

Mycroft1854 :D

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 6
What I would do is make a copy of the file. Crop one file to the left and the other file to the right. Then merge the pages into one PDF.
Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252
There is another application, a plug-in for Acrobat that can handle these tasks.

Enfocus Pitstop Professional now has a crop box template option for job likes yours ...

Otherwise take jbarko's advice in Acrobat ...


PS - crop pages can be automated under Advanced / BATCH PROCESSING ...

I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999