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New Adobe security and FDF's

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 68

The new version of Adobe Reader (9.3) has some new security restrictions to do with accessing untrusted sites.

This has dealt quite a big blow to my current process which is (in short)...

1) Create PDF with form that sends data to my server
2) Email PDF to client
3) Client enters some information, data gets sent to my server in form submit and I return an FDF to the PDF
4) PDF uses javascript to decipher message from FDF and popup a confirmation

So my problem now is that the security popup requires the user to re-enter their password, which seems to re-open the PDF. Because of this closing and opening of the PDF, the FDF data is lost and I don't get any chance to look at that information.

Also, any information that is entered into the form is also lost once the pdf "re-opens"

Has anyone else had any experience with this so far?

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This was mentioned in one of the latest Reader security documents. There are a bunch of restrictions such as importing FDF from a website is restricted unless the website is in the enhanced security list, or I think, in a cross-domain file.

Here's a link to the file:

Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 68
Hi Thom,

Sounds about right, and considering I am delivering the PDF's via e-mail it doesn't look like I will have the option of cross domain files.

Does it sounds right, though, that when you click "Trust this document" either always or just this time, it re-opens it and removes all submitted form details?

Right now, the only option I have is to tell clients to change security settings.
Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 68

The cross-domain file works, at least when I allow all headers and requests - it's a good start and does work with local files thankfully!
