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A newbie's question

Registered: Sep 23 2007
Posts: 4

Hi guys:D
I recently installed Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 in order to make PDF books but I ran into a problem :(
I want to adjust the page size to 6x9 in but I can't - I have the default size of 8.5x11 in and I just don't know what and how to do it? can anyone here help me please?
thanks in advance!

Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 20
Are you printing to the "PDF printer" from a word processor to create your PDF? If so, change the page size in the printer options dialog before printing.

Do the pages in your final PDF have an actual usage of only 6x9, with a lot of whitespace around them? Use "Document / Crop Pages" in Acrobat.
Registered: Sep 23 2007
Posts: 4
thanks :D that solves the problem
can't believe how stupid I was! I knew it was something simple LOL