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OCR Text Recognition & Adobe Pro 8

Registered: Feb 11 2009
Posts: 2

I am trying to move our documents to the harddrive by scanning through our copier. I purchased Adobe Pro 8 last year and have tried unsuccessfully over the last half year to get answers from Adobe. I see where the OCR works on a per document basis through Adobe, but I do not find that I can do a scan of all my docs on my computer or a specific drive looking for a specific name, etc. Help anyone? What am I missing/doing wrong?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Dundeerecorder,

You could use a Batch Process to perform OCR on a whole folder of documents after scanning them, but I don't think there is an automated way to do a sequence during the scanning process.

Recgnize text Using OCR is one of the built-in batch processes in Acrobat 8 Pro. Go to Advanced ->Document Processing ->Batch Processing, click on New Sequence, provide a name for the sequence. In the next dialog click on Select Commands and under the Document section double click Recognize text Using OCR- this adds it to the right side panel. Click OK, then choose to run the Batch Process on selected files, a whole folder of files, etc and where you want the output to go. If you want to keep the original files without OCR click on the Output Optrions and click the settings you want. When you are done with the settings and click OK you are back to the previous dialog- click Run Sequence and off you go.Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions