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One simple text edit throws the line spacing of everything below it on the pdf out of whack.

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 19

Oh please Acrobat gurus, help. This is hanging me up, and not allowing me to proceed.
Making a simple text edit in a word on my form,using the Text touchup tool, changes the line spacing of everything below it, shifting everything down by a few points. In doing so, all my fields, titles, underlines etc go all out of whack, displaced by a few points. I cannot edit my forms without this happening. Yesterday I had to realign everything on a form after making one simple text correction.

I have never had this problem before, only since I've been using Acrobat 9. I've just begun several new forms projects and they all act this way. I just don't know what to do. Please help, tell me how I can stop this?
Thanks again, in advance, for great advice.

Registered: Mar 18 2009
Posts: 19
Ok, I have tracked down what I believe is the course of the problem. I have a second laptop with Acrobat 8. I retested my version 8 files, text touchup works fine. When I took my new document and created the pdf on Acrobat 8, the touchup tool also worked fine. When I brought the Acrobat 8 file back into Acrobat 9, the text touchup also works fine. The variables are 1) the version of Word used on each computer 2) version of Acrobat.

I believe it is the version of Word I'm using. Because of an incompatibility of Word 2000 and Acrobat 9 I always "print to pdf" to create the pdf before working with it in 9. If I create it in 9, the program crashes. So, I think there is a font embedding problem between the various processes. I wouldn't be able to fully verify this unless I updated my Word 2000 but for now I'm going to create my pdfs in Acrobat 8 and then bring them into 9. That way the touchup text tool option will be available and working!

Note: I did look at my Acrobat 9 Compability settings and all the standard fonts, Arial, Helv, Verdana etc were in the "Never Embed" box. I removed them. Why would they be there? It appears to be the default (Standard) setting. Don't know if this is related to my issue or not.