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Only first page converts

Registered: Jan 26 2009
Posts: 7

When trying to convert a WordPerfect document to Acrobat, only the first page of the document is converted to pdf. How do I correct this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 1 2010
Posts: 85
For the conversion from Word to PDF, I don't suggest using Acrobat, which can do but is really not the efficient way. Try to use Cute PDF Writer, which can freely help you convert Word to PDF automatically. So, you don't need to refer to Acrobat totally while coming across pdf problems. Here is an article to show you [url=]more than 30 free PDF tools[/url]. You can check it out and get something you need.

I will try my best to help you in PDF converison fields, objectively and Neutral.