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Open Link in New Window - feature disappeared in Reader 9?

Registered: Feb 17 2009
Posts: 12

We produce PDF files (from FrameMaker) with numerous links to locations in the same file.
By default, these open in the same window.
These files are normally viewed in Adobe Reader (very few of our users have full Acrobat).

Sometimes our users want to open the link in a new window (so they have 2 copies of the file open).

In Reader 8 you could right-click on a link, and select 'Open Link in New Window'.
This feature seems to have disappeared in Reader 9. Is this really the case or am I missing something? Is there any way that our readers can achieve the same result?

Thanks for any advice.

My Product Information:
Reader 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi Jo,
It sounds like you are describing the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) available in the Adobe Reader/Acrobat 8 release(s).
As the article below (via the link) states, Single Document Interface (SDI) is the default in the Adobe Reader/Acrobat 8 release(s).

Change to MDI, with release 8, requires the user to perform the following:
Edit > Preferences > from the Categories: pane, select "Documents" > in the Open Settings pane >
select/check the first (top) entry "Show each document in its own window (requires restart)
Then "OK", close open appliations and restart the local machine.
Now, when one right clicks a link to access the context menu, they can (as you note), "Open Link in New Window".

In release 9 of Adobe Reader/Acrobat this is no longer available. The article, at the link below, explains why.

lkassuba wrote:
Unfortunately the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) was dropped in Acrobat 9. For further information check out this article.
[url=]MDI vs SDI in Acrobat[/url]
Be well...

[url=]Preference "Show each document in its own window (requires restart)" no longer available in Acrobat/Reader 9.0[/url]

Be well...

Registered: Nov 19 2007
Posts: 10
Does anyone know if there a patch or hack (preferably by Adobe) to get this feature back in yet?
shayne54 (not verified)
I would like to know as well, I don't want to have to downgrade, but I am waiting on this to publish my next project...
Registered: Jan 5 2009
Posts: 1
I am also missing the MDI feature as I work with a spreadsheet that I must print page by page (40 + pages) and then either close each window after printing and begin another document with the next page or face seeing each page open up in a different window. It doesn't matter how much screen real estate one has (I have a 30" monitor BTW) 40 different windows is more than distracting, it's nearly impossible to work with. Please at least bring this mode back as an option or as I am reluctant to uninstall Acrobat 9 and return to Acrobat 8.

Thank you.
Registered: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 1
how to identify identical hyperlinks present in a pdf page uniquely by using its property like index etc...
in case if index property is not working is ther any other means to identify the hyperlinks or annots as they technically call it.
