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Optimized Scanned PDF blurs and fades characters

Registered: Sep 30 2009
Posts: 4


I scanned a grey scale book of about 800 pages. The size of the PDF file was about 350 MByte. I applied OCR which brought down the PDF to about 200 MByte.
Then I used the Document > Optimize Scanned PDF with default settings. Now the PDF file has a size of about 15 MByte. Unfortunately this reduction in size cost dearly - most of the pages are hard to read because the characters are faded and even blured partly.
Does someone have a recommendation on the settings for the Otimize Scanned PDF feature?
I also tried Advanced > PDF Optimizer. But with that I was unable to bring down the file size even single 1 MByte.

Thank You!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1, Windows
Registered: Sep 10 2009
Posts: 11
When you did the OCRing, are you sure you used "ClearScan"? - it produces much clearer images than the earlier Acrobat versions (I see you have 9.1). And also much smaller files. (Although it has a major drawback in that you can't touch up the resultant text any more - see other postings about this! - but as long as you don't need to touch up the text after, it's a big improvement.) But you have to check it's selected in the OCR dialog.