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Other Boolean Operators

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 9

In Adobe Acrobat 9 I am looking to do some advanced searching and would like to know the complete set of Boolean Operators that can be used

The help file lists

^ (Exclusive Or)
() (parentheses.)

Then states: "To learn more about Boolean queries, syntax, and other Boolean operators that you can use in your searches, refer to any standard text, website, or other resource with complete Boolean information."

I searched the web (Adobe Boolean Operator etc.) and could not find a specific list for Adobe Acrobat, each other program seems to implement a different set of operatiors.

Can anyone point me to a complete list of the "Other Boolean Operators" that work with Adobe Acroabat 9 searching a PDF file, Index or location


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can find the specific boolean operators for JavaScript at [url=]Mozilla JavaScript 1.5 Reference[/url] under the [url=]operators list[/url] and full descriptions uner [url=]bitwise operators[/url] and [url=]logical operators[/url].

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 9
Thankyou for the help

When doing a Boolean search on directory of files, I started with the following operators from the help file,

^ (Exclusive Or)
() (parentheses.)

I have been testing using a set of files with sets of letters file1 (A B C D E), file2 (A B), file3 (D E), file 4 (B C D) …
which work like I expect now that I understand that they search the Meta Data along with the text.
Now I switched to a longer string file1 to (one two three …..) to try to avoid the Meta Data in the tests.
(is there a way to search the text only?, I have not found one yet)

With the information some experimentation I found the additional operators

& (and)
| (or)
! (not)

Are there other operators beyond that?
I don’t want to do a search and find one of my terms is actually an operator.

And what if I need to search for “AND” as a term and not an operator, is there a way to do that?

I would like to have a complete understanding to be sure the searches are valid.

Is there any way to search and find files that are not OCRed to make them text searchable so they can be converted?

Thanks again
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
HSynder wrote:
Is there any way to search and find files that are not OCRed to make them text searchable so they can be converted?
If the PDF content is scanned text a Preflight Profile can be created that performs a Custom check for "Invisible text objects."
This will find text objects which use text rendered in mode 3 (invisible text) (aka OCR output).
An output report will identifiy if the file has or does not have the invisible text.

If invisible text is not present in the PDF then you would run OCR across the file to obtain the text.

For PDF files that are the output of some authoring application you already have renderable text.

In either case, to provide a search index you can build an embedded index or a cataloged index.
n.b., having an embedded index precludes fast web view.

Advanced search may be used with either index.

Both the preflight and the OCR operations may be incorporated into Batch Sequences.
A Batch Sequence permits processing a single file or a large population of files.

Also, to facilitate advance search queries it may be helpful to select
"Always use advanced search options" under the Search Category in the Preferences.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 9


I found your older post

and was unable to have the batch sequence recognized or the custom preflight import. It looked like those were version 8 and I am using version 9.

Then I found the post lower down with the link to the PDF sheet … 12e0a414b4

The acrobat version 9 screens were close (I have never used an acrobat batch or preflight before) but I think I got most of it working with some files going to one folder and some going to the other.

But I have a question. My files that I have checked range from at least a 1.2, 1.3 to 1.4 “PDF version number”
How far back with the version number does this test work?

I have some PDF's from the late 90's in my pile to be sorted

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi HSnyder,
I've had no problem processing scanned images imported into the following
PDF versions - 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, & 1.7.Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Nov 25 2008
Posts: 9

for the comment that you have it working on version 1.3 to 1.7.

What is the nature of “Searchable text” that I can filter on??

My objective was to find the non-word searchable files and run OCR on them.
Using the method I find files in the non OCR pile that are word searchable.

Is my assumption correct that “OCR” with a Mode 3 invisible text is the same result as a say word document that is PDFed to version 1.4 using Acrobat Distiller 6.0? (Windows) {from Document Properties)

Or is that PDF a searchable NON Mode 3 format that I need to sort out some other way?
It looks like it’s working but I need some prefiltering.

What is the nature of “Searchable text” that I can filter on??

Thanks again

I have is a new installation of upgrade from acrobat 7 to acrobat 9.0 updated 11/28/08

Created a profile:
Used Advanced-Preflight-Options-Create New Preflight Profile

Edit Profile:
Name: LocateOCRtext
Purpose: “”
Author: John
Email: “”
Group: Custom profiles

Custom checks
Select: Invisible text objects
Add arrow
Leave: X Error setting

Custom checks in this profile:
Invisible text objects
Finds text objects which use text rendering mode 3 (invisible text)
XError (is set)
Save, Ok

Check settings
Select: LocateOCRtext
Select: Custom checks
After clicking on the edit pencil
The Invisible text object has

Group: Text
Test is not rendered and not used as clipping path
Is true

When check fires, Report as:
Invisible text objects
Nocheck for “when it does fire, report as”

Explanation for this check:
Finds text objects which use text rendering mode 3 (invisible text)
Apply this check to:
Page contents
Appearance of annotations
Appearance of form fields
Soft masks
Ignore objects outside
Usage lists
X to get out of preflight

Create batch sequence

Used Advanced-Batch Sequences-New Sequence
Name: LocateOCRtext
1. Select Commands
Select: Preflight
Select: LocateOCRtext
On Success:
Check: Copy PDF file
Success folder: browse to ..\Success Folder
On Error:
Check: Copy PDF file
Success folder: browse to ..\Error Folder

Check: Display a summary PDF with a list of files for which Preflight found errors or warnings
2. Run Commands on: Ask when Sequence is run
3. Select Output location: Same folder as originals
Output options
File naming
Check: Keep originals file names
Uncheck: Add to original file names
Check: overwrite existing files
Output Options
Check: Save File(s) as Adobe PDF
Check: fast web view
Uncheck: PDF Optimizer
Uncheck: Export file(s) to Alternate Format

Run Batch Sequence
Select: LocateOCRtext
Run Sequence
You will be prompted to select files, OK
Select files, OK
Batch runs

Test results

Clearly places image with no OCR in “Success File” (your No OCR test file)
Also places PDF with searchable text in “Success File” (but it is not “jpg/tif type image PDF)

Clearly places image with OCRed text in “Error File” (your OCR test file)