Hello Everyone,
I am a new member here and need some information on the capabilities of Acrobat.
Can Acrobat in either version 8 or 9 create a in-app PageFlip Turning PDF for the standard Viewer available from Adobe?
I want to create a non-online page turning pdf like the online ones shown below at these links.
i.e. http://www.zmags.com/ & http://issuu.com
I need to create a publication for download and on cd that will be a pdf with embedded & linked Audio, Video, & Photo Content with Page Turning capabilities.
Can I do that with Adobe Acrobat 8 or 9 or do I have to use one of these online hosting systems?
It seems that I should be able to create it, distribute, and host it myself.
Does anyone have information to help me with this project?
Thank you
What you describe is an implementation of Adobe Flash and not PDF.
You can author content with some application, output that content to PDF, and then (using appropriate conversion software) go to a Flash "flip book".
A web search using the string "pdf to flash flip book" provides a fair dinkum of links to software / services that provide the conversion to Adobe Flash.
Be well...
Be well...