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PDF with embedded fonts now has font replacement problems

Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 4

A file that everyone who previously downloaded it had no problems with viewing or printing, Mac or PC. File is over a year old and has had no problems before.
How the PDFs are used:
The client replaces ads periodly in the online PDF. After the last time this was done some of the mathematical operators and the parentheses are missing with small boxes appearing instead.
At this point I have no idea what system or version of the software they are using, can those things be possible culprits?
Supposedly it's the same person on the same computer making these occassional changes to the PDF document.
(When I look at this downloaded file with the new ads file that they tell me has these problems I see no problems. I'm on a Mac OS10.4, created the original InDesign document and made the original PDF as well. I assume most of the viewers a reusing PCs, my production coordinator is for sure.)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Macintosh
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
In short - The file is bad and you need to start over.

What has happened is that at the last import the font in the PDF was replaced with the font from the imported file.

Not much you can do except roll back to your master (re: non-imported) PDF. Have all the embedded fonts converted to subsets. Have the import PDFs' fonts set to subsets and you shouldn't have this issue any more.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.

Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 4

Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 6
I am starting with a document created in "Word" and in Acrobat, creating a "Form" to be filled-out and returned to compile data. I want the user to fill out the form, "Save as" with their store # and send it back. Mac user can "Save as", PC users cannot. PC's get a message telling them that they can fill the form out from the PC but that they cannot "Save as".

I'm using Acrobat Pro 9 on a Mac

Thanks for any help with this.

Clark Freschi
Bulldog Graphics
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Have you Reader-enabled your form so recipients with Reader can save the data?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
clarkdf wrote:
Mac user can "Save as", PC users cannot.
I guess that Mac users opens the PDF using Apple-Preview, not Adobe Reader…
Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 6
The only "Reader-enabling" I see is in the "Comment" pull down, go to "enable for commenting and analysis in Adobe Reader. When I enable that feature, the form ceasing to be an editable form, I can "save as" but I cannot fill it out as intended.
Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 6
I found the solution in the "Advanced" pulldown under "extend features in Acrobat Reader". It now does exactly what I need it to.

Thanks for the tips, they got me to look around harder.


Registered: Jul 7 2009
Posts: 6
Again, trouble with forms. Now, I have created a form, added a few fields and when the user tries to fill it out, the text in the form field comes in really big and not centered, etc. Is there a way for me to alter the formatting of the field at the time of creating the form?

Thank you,

Clark Freschi
Bulldog Graphics
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
clarkdf wrote:
Again, trouble with forms. Now, I have created a form, added a few fields and when the user tries to fill it out, the text in the form field comes in really big and not centered, etc. Is there a way for me to alter the formatting of the field at the time of creating the form?Thank you,

Clark Freschi
Bulldog Graphics
You'll need to change the form field properties. Go into Edit Form mode and then select the form field you want to change. Next, right click and select Properties from the context sensitive menu. You can change the font under the Appearance tab and you can change the alignment under the Options tab.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for