When you use a PDF package is it possible to apply a password to the package itself. SO that is required to open the package. I looked at it briefly and I only saw individual document protection.
You can add security to one of two files that will secure the package and not permit anyone to view the package without knowing the password to open the file.
You can add security to the Cover Sheet in a PDF Package or the document that is shown by defualt (the first PDF in the package). Add the securtity to eaither file and save the package and your entire PDF Package is secure.
The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.
You can add security to the Cover Sheet in a PDF Package or the document that is shown by defualt (the first PDF in the package). Add the securtity to eaither file and save the package and your entire PDF Package is secure.
The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.