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PDF Page Numbering - Can you set it to auto?

Registered: Sep 18 2007
Posts: 4

Hi, I'm a fairly new PDF user. Is it possible to set up Acrobat so that is numbers the pages to match the actual page numbers in the footer? I know you can manually adjust to have roman numberals or 1-x, 2-x.

Thanks for your replies!

Pat Millard

Acrobat 9
Registered: Oct 1 2007
Posts: 4
Hi Pat,

You mean numbering the Pages thumbnails to match the actual page numbering?

Chris M.S.
Registered: Sep 18 2007
Posts: 4

Actually no. You can manually set the pdf page numbering to be roman numerals or to match a page numbering scheme of 1-1, 2-2, etc. My question is this. Can you create a table of contents such that the numbering of the pdf matches what is listed on the page AND can you set up the pdf page numbering so that it pulls from the TOC. I don't think you can, but I'm wondering if there is a way.

Thank you,

Acrobat 9
Registered: Oct 1 2007
Posts: 4
Hi Pat,

Have extracted a link for you in which Ted Padova had replied to a similiar question.

Hope it helps. Cheers!

Chris M.S.