I am converting a .pdf to Word in order to delete the last 8 pages of a 15 page document. When I scroll down in the Word document, it locks up at page 5. Any suggestions? I am new to Acrobat, so I am unsure if I can delete the pages directly in Adobe. Thank you!
For Acrobat 9 Standard -
You can delete a page or pages of a PDF file.
For multiple pages, select the Page View on the Navigation pane.
Select the page thumbnails to be deleted. Then use the keyboard's delete key.
[url=http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Acrobat/9.0/Standard/WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7ec3.w.html]Acrobat 9 Standard's Help on "Delete or replace a page"[/url]
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