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PDX File/Link from HTML page

Registered: Jul 2 2008
Posts: 2


Can anyone help with this problem.

I have a PDX file that I am linking to from a page created with Front Page. The link works in a test environment. However, when I put into production, I receive "Page not Found message."

What gives? The link is created correctly, I believe. It works in test.

Thanks for any help,

Bob F.

My Product Information:
Reader 6.0.6, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Bob, just some thoughts on your link to a pdx file.

Presuming that the test environment is on a local machine having the Adobe product (Reader/Acrobat) installed it makes sense that the link works.
With install of the Adobe product the association with the search plug-in for the product is made. The local machine "knows" to hand off the pdx file to Reader/Acrobat.

The browser "knows" to call on Reader/Acrobat when working a link with a PDF target in web space because of the activeX control that is provided to the browser (an "add-on" for MSIE) when Reader/Acrobat is installed. No similar activeX control is provided for pdx; so the browser, operating in web space, does not know what program to pass the pdx to.

Creating an index for one or more PDFs of a collection and establishing a connection to this index in an entry PDF (Document Properties > Advanced tab > PDF Settings pane > Search Index:) where this entry PDF could have links to other PDFs in a collection establishes a collection that you can transfer to a network share or OSM disc and all works nicely.Not the case if the transfer is to a web server.
Although everything on the web server would have the relative location of all files intact, the connection (path) to the index becomes a problem.
The path to the index,from the entry PDF, is relative to the local machine in staging.
i.e.,When the browser pulls in the entry PDF, this PDF is now in the temporary internet files folder of the client machine. That is what Reader/Acrobat is working on.
Reader/Acrobat know to correlate relative links to absolute (in context of where the program & PDF are "at"). So, the "path" to the index pdx, established above,
becomes <[the path to the local machine's temporary internet files]\test.pdx>But, the pdx file does not exist in that location (the temporary internet files location). It is still out on the web server. Consequently "Search" has no index to use, only "simple search/find" is available.

Be well...

Be well...