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Poor quality pdfs...

Registered: Dec 17 2008
Posts: 2


Im new to this forum, so if this is posted already just point me in the right direction.

I have a client who is printing PDF's created with eCopy Desktop 9.1. I know this is a poor choice, but it was what the client was using for a long time to create their documentation.

Now they have moved on to Adobe 8 Pro, THANK GOD!

The issue lies with the eCopy created PDF's. They have a grey background on all images and text, almost like someone was editing the file as a BMP in MS Paint.

Is there a tool or a process out there that can be used to clean up this grey background.

They have over 300 documents, most in the 400 page range. Origionals of the files are available, since the client builds these 'origionals' from multiple files, recreation of each file is NOT an option.

Any help is greatly welcomed.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.3, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Just wondering -
What is eCopy Desktop's output that is in the PDF?
An image or renderable text (e.g., a PDF from FrameMaker or MS Word)?
Regardless, it may be quicker & less expensive
(consider cost to work activity by use of poor/inferior quality files that do not support "all that PDF can be")
to just print 'em all - scan with a *good* high speed scanner an get it all back into PDF.
Then OCR everything (try Acrobat's Searchable Image (Exact)).
With Acrobat 8 Professional a Batch Sequence can be made and run across all PDFs to lay down the OCR.

Be well...

Be well...