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Powerpoint to PDF - Loosing full sentences and objects

Registered: Dec 12 2007
Posts: 2

I just printed a powerpoint to pdf and had several books made. Upon receiving the books I noticed full sentences missing, and information in cells was missing. I've reprinted it to pdf on my computer and it doesn't exactly duplicate the same errors (on all 20 pages) it did a week ago, but still makes most of the same mistakes. I also had one of my co-workers print it and they had similar mistakes within the pdf document. What would cause this. I'm out $2000 on printing.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you provide more background on how you created the PDFs (i.e., PDFMaker macro, etc.), if the fonts were embedded, and what version of Powerpoint, Acrobat, and OS you're using?


Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for