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preventing automatic "rotating images decomposing page deskewing image recognizing text"

Registered: Sep 23 2010
Posts: 1

How can I turn off these features in Adobe Acrbat Professional 9? It is becoming extremely annoying. I have to wait minutes each time I open a document, or turn the pages, or scroll the view. I am really fed up with this. Could anyone give me a way out??? I searched online and it seems a lot of people are having such problem but no solutions are provided anywhere!
And when I searched "turn off OCR" in this very forum, all the resulting links, such as, cannot be directed to the corresponding pages, but to
By the way, I cannot find the "Reading" option in the preference settings.
If this cannot be solved, I will seriously consider ceasing the use of Acrobat.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3, Windows
Registered: Feb 12 2011
Posts: 2
I am having this exact same problem. I had to follow directions in the past to stop this annoyance, but after the recent update it has come back, and now I can't find the "Reading" option either.

I purchased this software because it always worked so well, but as the versions have progressed, the additional hassle has only increased. I simply want to be able to scroll through a PDF without waiting for the pages to deskew, decompose, or rotate.

This is incredibly frustrating!

I am using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended Version 9.4.2

Someone please help.
Registered: Feb 12 2011
Posts: 2
To liushapku (the original poster) and anyone else who may have the same problem and comes across this post, I found what seems to be a workaround.

I found it here: --The very last post on the page.

Before advising anyone to do the same thing, I had no problem doing this, but you may, so take caution when renaming and/or deleting files.

So, what I did was the following (Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit; Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended Version 9.4.2):

Close any open instance of Acrobat

Go to the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins

Locate the following files:

Rename them with a new file extension. Depending on your UAC Settings (User Account Control Settings in Windows 7) you may have to confirm the file name change, I chose to name them:

(Note: Just in case, I also chose to rename what appeared to be the foreign language counterparts of these files that had .DEU and .FRA file extensions.)

I then opened a PDF that was giving me trouble with the "Deskewing, Decomposing, Rotating, and Recognizing" popup, and I am no longer having any trouble.

Good luck to anyone who has this problem, I hope you find this forum / post, and I hope this "solution" works for you.

We shouldn't have to go messing around with plugin files like this just to be able to use software we paid for! Hopefully Adobe will recognize that this is a very serious problem that greatly reduces the usability of their software. Please fix this Adobe!